Low Carb Icing

Low carb icing is easy to make and can add an extra layer or festivity to holiday cookies!

1—2 tablespoons heavy cream
1 cup Swerve sweetener, confectioners’ style
Food coloring (optional)
2—3 drops flavored extract (optional)

Stir minimum amount of cream into the sweetener with a small wire whisk or a fork to make a soft smooth icing. (Stir in optional food coloring and flavor extracts.) If mixture is too stiff, add more cream in very tiny increments until correct consistency is reached.

Pipe icing from a pastry bag to outline cookies or make simple motifs, or simply drizzle on designs. If coating the cookie, use a small metal spatula to spread icing over entire top surface, or dip cookie into icing, using the metal spatula to trim away excess. (If mixture hardens, remix with a bit of water, whisking well to make icing smooth.) Allow cookies to dry to a dull shine before storing.